Sunday, April 17, 2011


H is very attached to his lovely. It started somewhere around 3 months. My mom gave him a little lamb that was perfect for babies because it didn't have eyes or a nose that could come loose because they were stitched in. That's how H got "lamby".
Lamby goes to bed with him every night and comes out of the crib with him every morning. He goes to daycare about 3 days a week and sometimes eats lunch and dinner with him. This weekend his affection went to a whole new level when he insisted on BATHING with lamby! We might own 3 lambys, just in case.

This was the first picture I could find of him with lamby. That's him over on the left.

For his first Halloween we even picked a lamb costume because of how much he loved his lamby.

Here is H snuggling with his lamby & Aunt Elyse on his birthday.

One day he found 2 lambys. It didn't seem to phase him, he will take any lamby.

H and lamby going down the slide together

H and lamby eating dinner together.

And bath time...

We love you lamby.


  1. That's hilarious. At least Lamby's washable! :)

  2. Love it! Now if Haydn would just bath with the lambies on an alternating basis!!

  3. Haha -- I laughed and laughed at this!! H is so cute! I love lamby too.
